LIGHT FROM NATURE Impressions of a Traveling Naturalist
As a child, I discovered, amazed, tadpoles teeming at the edge of the pond, crayfish in the shallow waters of the river, sea shells stranded on the beach or birds that I fed and watched patiently in my garden.
At the age of 13, with my first reflex camera, my subjects were butterflies, hedgehogs, seagulls or starfish. I also built my first hides to discover the intimacy of chickadees and starlings.
Studies in life and earth sciences have only served to confirm this irresistible attraction to nature while opening up new horizons.
At the same time and with just as much wonder, I was discovering underground refuges and the rock cut architecture with my brother Jérôme, and I was developing underground photography technics. Today I still bring the light of flashes in the darkness of these rock-cut monuments to take into account their architecture and emphasize its aesthetics.
My intention here is to focus on the natural light and to share, through images and text, the wonder aroused by the infinite diversity of life, the disproportion of geological processes and the absolute beauty of the natural world.